Programming & VFX
Why You Shouldn’t Write a DAW – David Rowland – ADC23
Introductory bullshit detection for non-technical managers (Mike Acton)
Much ado about iOS app architecture ·
Say NO to Venn Diagrams When Explaining JOINs – Java, SQL and jOOQ.
How to create a hardened API for middleware
Writing a Game Engine in 2017 | Randy Gaul’s Game Programming Blog
Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs
“The Door Problem” | Liz England
Barebones WebGL in 75 lines of code
Constraints – Sublucid Geometry
The Art of Poly Bridge – BlenderNation
Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2 – 2007 – YouTube
JUCE Cross-Platform C++ Library
Gamasutra: Junxue Li’s Blog – City builder
DOOM (2016) – Graphics Study – Adrian Courrèges
Mind-Bending Drone Photo Manipulations Turn America into a Roller Coaster – Creators
Procedural stylized rocks in Blender
Ray Marching Soft Shadows in 2D
Digital sound processing tutorial for the braindead
Minimal D3D11 reference implementation
A modern port of Turbo Vision 2.0
How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70%
Font size is useless; let’s fix it
RectCut for dead simple UI layouts
Airbnb’s Server-Driven UI System
On navigating a large codebase
Speeding up Blender .obj export
Tomorrow Corporation Tech Demo
Xcode Instruments “Points of Interest”
Swapping memory and compiler optimizations
topisani/OTTO: Sampler, Sequencer, Multi-engine synth and effects – in a box!
BBC Sound Effects – Research & Education Space
Real-time audio programming 101: time waits for nothing | Ross Bencina
tail -f /var/log/messages | grep vegard: Writing a reverb filter from first principles
miniaudio – A single file library for audio playback and capture
How to shuffle songs (Spotify)
How I regained concentration and focus